R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process by which an adult person is initiated into the Catholic Church, through Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. 

Who is in the R.C.I.A.?
*  Un-baptized adults
*  Adults baptized in non-Trinitarian formula
*  Adults baptized as Catholic, but lack First Holy Communion and Confirmation

*  Adults baptized as Catholic, have First Holy Communion but lack Confirmation
*  Adults baptized in other Christian Churches, in the Trinitarian formula w/water and will convert into the Catholic Church

R.C.I.C.:  Rite of Christian Initiation for Children is a formation process for non-baptized children over the age of reason of 7 years old.  RCIC is a program designed for children who have not received the sacraments of Christian initiation - Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. RCIC is preparation for these Sacraments and for reception into the Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. 

Once a child reaches 7 years of age, they cannot be baptized without RCIC.  They will need to take classes to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.